Fasting heals in ways taking pills and talk therapy cannot.

I'm not discounting the value of either of those things when they are needed to help you survive the day. But what if you could take back custody of your life, by controlling what you put in your mouth. In the book, A Road Less Traveled, it speaks on the power of "If you can't control what you put in your mouth, you can't control your life."
Fasting is a process of healing from the inside out and changing the trajectory of your wellbeing.
Fasting brings a new perspective to healing areas you may not know was possible.
The benefits of fasting brings about physical, mental, emotional and spiritual changes that develop overtime.
Energetic Benefits
clarity, self trust through gut intuition
releases stagnant and toxic chemicals and energy that leads to chronic illnesses and disease
opens your body up to vibrations of alignment allowing you to love, forgive and move forward
changes your sexual energy
increase your connection to others
Physical Benefits
helps you heal yourself from the inside out
changes your physical body
increases your vigor for living
reverses the signature signs of aging
extends your life span
Perceptional Benefits
shifts how you see yourself now, the disillusions of your past and your future
opens you up to knowing that anything is possible
paradigm shift
profound shifts of perception of self
increased awareness of self
increased awareness of others
Our vessel of self can be anything. But through limiting thoughts, we have forgotten. Fasting will help you remember.
Fasting can simply begin by limiting things in your life that don't fuel, feed or nourish your higher self.